D5600 Composing During Continuous Shooting Performance

Bracketing on Nikon d5600

nikoran • New Member • Posts: 1

Bracketing on Nikon d5600

Hi there, I have a nikon d5600 and I would like to use bracketing technique ...The question is: Is there a way to use continuous shooting and self-timer together ? I mean if I must use the tripod it does not have sense hold the button for shooting three photos because I will obtain photos which will be moved and different. The only solution I found is to set the self-timer so that the camera takes three photo but at most every 2 sec. which is a long time... Someone can help?

Re: Bracketing on Nikon d5600

Interval timer shooting manual page 109.

Continuous will take the shots very quickly, safe enough with a tripod if interval timing is not what you need. Just set your bracketing parameters up (manual page Manual page 151 tells you the effect of continuous on bracketing. In effect the camera takes three shots, pauses and then takes three more shots until you let go.

Not too sure if I have read your need correctly as the manual is quite clear. let me know if it's something else you need.

If you don't have a tripod and don't wish to press the shutter button I am sure Snapbridge will do it all remotely for you without the need for any cables.

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tripleC • Veteran Member • Posts: 4,158

Re: Bracketing on Nikon d5600


Get a remote shutter release. Works great with camera on tripod and you don't need to press the shutter down. Just set your bracketing parameters, focus and  trip the shutter with remote. Works well in Live View also.

Nikon D5500 Nikon AF-P 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G VR Nikon AF-P 70-300mm F4.5-6.3G


Razor512 • Contributing Member • Posts: 557

Re: Bracketing on Nikon d5600

With the latest firmware, you can use a smartphone and an app like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.qdd&hl=en to do more advanced bracketing. The camera has built in bracketing and interval shooting, but it does not allow you to combine both. It also limits you to 3 images for bracketing and external apps are needed for bracketing without the limits.

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